Top 10 Best Cities for Research Scientist Jobs

Top 10 Best Cities for Research Scientist Jobs By

Scientific research positions are experiencing a renaissance in the U.S., after decades of declining math scores and outsourcing. One of the biggest sources of research scientist jobs continues to be the federal government, as stories involving science and public policy grab the headlines.

Medical research scientists will also be in high demand as the U.S. population ages over the next few years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. At a 36 percent growth rate, these professions will need to be filled at more than twice the average growth rate for at least the next five years. In addition to the federal jobs listed above, there has been a growth of medical scientists employed by universities and institutions in order to maintain research funding. In the private sector, pharmaceutical companies and medical instrument manufacturers are adding another layer of medical research due to regulations and global competition.

Biochemists and mind/body researchers are the next careers that are seeing the greatest rise in demand in the near future. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the top ten science jobs most heavily advertised are:

1. Research Analysts

2. Medical Scientists

3. Biological Technicians

4. Chemists

5. Environmental Science and Protection Technicians

6. Clinical Psychologists

7. Environmental Scientists

8. Geoscientists

9. Food Scientists and Technologists

10. Chemical Technicians

In terms of the best US cities for research scientist jobs, the top three are San Francisco, New York, and Boston in a study of science publications by the University of Copenhagen. Those cities are well known for life science and medical research, but there are a few other pockets of advance bioscience in some pretty surprising parts of the country. View more jobs in these areas by visiting the Biotech Bay, Pharm Country, and Genetown hotbed sites.

Texas is known for its oil and rocket science, but the startup community that has grown around the University of Texas at Austin is all about the frontiers of knowledge. Kiplinger‘s gave Austin the nod as one to the country’s top scientific cities that will provide “jobs, innovation, and prosperity” over the next decade. One of the biotech firms they profiled was Austin’s Savara Pharmaceuticals.

The tech infrastructure in Seattle has made it a hub for medical and bioscience research. Meanwhile, another college town, Boulder, CO, has collected some of the top medical researchers for federal laboratories. Genome experts have descended on the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics and the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Find upcoming events in the BioForest and BioMidwest regions.

No matter where you settle in the U.S., there is no doubt that jobs in medical research science will continue to be one of the safest bets for high-demand work over the next decade.

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