Weill Cornell Medicine partners with Poland-based company Cardiomatics to investigate the relationship between HIV and heart rhythm disorders.

US-based Weill Cornell Medicine has initiated a new clinical project together with the Mwanza International Trials Unit lacted in the Lake Zone of Tanzania with the aim of exploring the burden of arrhythmia in adults with and without HIV.

US-based Weill Cornell Medicine has initiated a new clinical project together with the Mwanza International Trials Unit lacted in the Lake Zone of Tanzania with the aim of exploring the burden of arrhythmia in adults with and without HIV. The data collected from 24 hours of ambulatory cardiac monitoring will be evaluated by Cardiomatics, a cutting-edge AI-based cloud technology for ECG data analysis.

The aim of the research is to screen for cardiac arrythmias in a mixed cohort of 1,000 people living with and without HIV in northwestern Tanzania. Participants will undergo 24 hours of ambulatory cardiac monitoring. Then, the collected data will be sent to the cloud and analyzed for cardiac arrythmias, including supraventricular, ventricular arrhythmia, and HRV parameters, using state-of-the-art algorithms provided by Cardiomatics.

Harnessing state-of-the-art algorithms into screening of HIV patients

Cardiomatics is a certified online SaaS platform, created by experts with experience in developing artificial intelligence and machine learning. The effectiveness of Cardiomatics algorithms has been validated by high-class cardiologists in various clinical trials across Europe, including the University of Basel, the University of Copenhagen, and the Medical University of Warsaw. The cutting-edge software is used by hundreds of cardiologists and practitioners from over 15 countries around the world, including Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Easy-to-use software based on algorithms trained on billions of real patients’ heartbeats enables fast and accurate detection and analysis of many components of the ECG signal, saving doctors time and reducing their daily workload. Recently, Cardiomatics advanced algorithms have also facilitated the work of scientists from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York.

“We were delighted to partner with Cardiomatics for our ongoing research in Tanzania. Cardiomatics offered us timely information and customer service, and the opportunity to generate customizable reports from the data that we are collecting. Their online interface is incredibly user-friendly and works seamlessly with the CamNtech Actiheart devices we are using to collect data,” said Cody Cichowitz, MD from Weill Cornell Medicine.

What exactly makes this software so highly rated in the daily practice of hundreds of cardiologists, general practitioners, and nurses? Cardiomatics can analyze ECG signals recorded in various data formats and is compatible with more than 25 popular devices, both classic and modern. It provides an intuitive interface and easy-to-read ECG reports. The reports it generates are available anytime, anywhere, on a desktop, laptop, or smartphone.

Using Cardiomatics, physicians can connect the diagnostic device to any computer and send ECG signals to the cloud. There, the signals are analyzed by artificial intelligence algorithms. This reduces the analysis time by up to 80 % compared to the standard procedure.

Cardiomatics user-friendly platform allows are team to upload samples with just a few simple steps and receive a reliable report about individual patients. Cardiomatics also exports our data in bulk, enabling us quickly move from data collection to analysis. This helps us respond to individual patients’ conditions but also rapidly advance our research aims. - emphasized Cody Cichowitz, MD from Weill Cornell Medicine.

Making an impact

As patients with HIV are living longer, there is an urgent public health need to characterize and mitigate the risk of cardiovascular disease, including arrhythmia. The implementation of AI algorithms in a clinical trial can significantly accelerate the compound examination of the association between HIV and heart rhythm disorders, and thus support public health efforts in reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in East Africa.

“We are proud that our achievements in the clinical field and recommendations of cardiologists from all over Europe have enabled us to gain the trust of scientists from the United States. We are excited to see how our algorithms are contributing to clinical research in the US market,” said Rafał Samborski, Cardiomatics CEO.

In a new clinical project conducted by Weill Cornell Medicine, participants with diagnosed arrhythmia will be referred to a local cardiology clinic and treated according to the Tanzanian National Guidelines. The project will provide novel data about the burden of arrhythmia in adults living with and without HIV in northwestern Tanzania.

“Starting this project is a significant step for the clinical team, and it is an honor for me to lead it. A cohort study of patients for HIV, sleep, nocturnal hypertension, and cardiovascular disease in Tanzania will allow us to look for correlations between arrhythmias and HIV, from which a large group of people in sub-Saharan Africa suffer. The results of this study could have important implications for cardiac care in this part of the world,” emphasized Nikola Fajkis-Zajączkowska, Clinical Project Manager at Cardiomatics.

Financing party: NIH R01HL160332



Anna Wilk | Cardiomatics


About Cardiomatics

Cardiomatics is a leader in the provision of world-class ECG analytics to support cardiac care. The company’s mission is to make advanced cardiac diagnostics more available to patients by employing cloud and machine learning. The Cardiomatics platform is classified as a CE-marked medical device with ongoing FDA approval, harnessing algorithms that have analyzed more than 5.5 million hours of ECG recordings. The solution enables accurate, fast, and easy-to-use ECG analysis and is dedicated to doctors of various specialties, as well as healthcare facilities, providers, and manufacturers. cardiomatics.com