Today, Xoran Technologies® announced they have completed Phase 1 for their NHLBI grant for mobile lung CT.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., May 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Xoran Technologies® announced they have completed Phase 1 for their NHLBI grant for mobile lung CT. “This grant allows Xoran to commercialize our future open-bore CT products quickly,” explains Misha Rakic, Xoran’s CEO. “This truly mobile device helps to support the diagnosis, triaging, and monitoring of the lungs of respiratory patients both in the intensive care unit, and in future respiratory pandemic situations.” Earlier this month, Xoran submitted its 510k for TRON™, an open-bore fluoroscopy CT for full-body point-of-care imaging. Just last year, Xoran Technologies was notified of a grant award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to support the company’s research and development efforts for lung cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging. Leveraging its knowledge and experience in the field as pioneer and medical market leader in CBCT, Xoran has proposed an open-bore, truly mobile CT to assist in identification of lung disease. “We greatly appreciate the support from NHLBI as well as a fantastic collaboration with doctors at the University of Michigan,” stated William van Kampen, Xoran’s Chief Technology Officer and principal investigator on the project. “It is exciting to be able to expand the applications for point-of-care imaging technology to accommodate patients in such great need.” With their xCAT IQ™—an FDA 510k-cleared mobile CT system for bone and brain imaging, Xoran has shown capability in point-of-care CT solutions for the neuro intensive care unit (NICU) and the operating room. This new project allows Xoran to optimize a point-of-care solution specifically for lung imaging. The combined Xoran and University of Michigan team aims to develop a highly deployable CT scanner intended for use in ICU, especially for patients with acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. “It’s hard to overstate how transformative this technology would be for us in the ICU,” says Robert Dickson, MD, Associate Professor—Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Associate Professor—Microbiology & Immunology, and a clinical collaborator, all at the University of Michigan. “Every day, we make clinical decisions based on chest X-rays, which are limited in what they can tell us about what is going on in the chest or abdomen. Our patients are often too sick to transport down to radiology, or they have a communicable disease like COVID-19 that we don’t want to spread around the hospital. A bedside scanner would have immediate impact in how we manage our sickest patients.” Xoran has established collaborative partnerships with critical care pulmonology specialists and radiologists at the University of Michigan. Xoran has a successful track record of commercializing SBIR technologies such as the MiniCAT™ CT scanner and a future device for spine CT imaging with integrated surgical navigation. Today, Xoran is an innovator and medical market leader in with over 1,000 installations globally. Earlier this month, Xoran submitted its 510k for TRON™, an open-bore fluoroscopy CT for full-body point-of-care imaging. NIH: Research reported in this news release was supported by the NHLBI of NIH under Award Number 1R44HL158452-01. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. About National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) About MCIRCC About the University of Michigan About Xoran Technologies Xoran is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For more information visit © 2022 Xoran Technologies, LLC
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